Sounds and Vocalizations of Male Koalas

Like every mammal, Koalas possess unique sounds and vocalization for variety of occasions. Moreover, there is a difference between the sounds and vocalizations of the male Koalas and that of the female Koalas as well. The male Koalas’ vocalization and sound is mostly different from that of the female Koalas in numbers of ways. During the irritation, they have different sound, normally they have a grunting sound, and during the fighting they have different kind of a sound. Studying these sounds and vocalization of the Koalas can give a huge details about when, where and what triggers male Koalas to make these different sounds on different occasions.


Usually they grunt, whenever, they move from one place to another or they are at the tree. Their grunt is very loud and can be heard from a considerable distance. However, sometimes it can be heard from miles away as well.


They also have a specific sound of irritation as well. When irritated by another animal, or a predator, Koalas usually make these screaming sounds, which usually and specifically indicates that a particular koala is not happy with a specific kind of a situation.


Finally during the fighting, their sounds are really higher, and koalas make their fighting sounds and vocalization by opening their mouth to the maximum. They also try to scare their opponent through their louder sound. Usually fighting is the time, whenever a koala creates its loudest of the sounds.