Koalas' Food Eucalyptus has Lower Nutritional

The Eucalyptus leaves have very lower nutritional value for koalas. In fact; the Eucalyptus leaves have no nutritional value what so ever for koalas and it is just a miracle that an animal like koala can live by eating it during its entire lifespan. First of all, the Eucalyptus leaves are indigestible but somehow koalas can digest them. Secondly; the Eucalyptus leaves contain phenols which are known to kill animals. Third; the Eucalyptus leaves have little or no energy for any animal to fulfill day to day energy requirements of koalas.

Even though the eucalyptus leaves have lower nutritional value for koalas yet still they survive by eating it during their entire lifespan.

Surprisingly; koalas avoid all these negatives of eucalyptus and somehow survive on the Eucalyptus diet throughout their entire lifespan. This article highlights and measures the nutritional value of the Eucalyptus leaves for koalas and reveals the ability of koalas to live a life out of Eucalyptus against all limitations.

Eucalyptus leaves have lower nutritional values for koalas.
Eucalyptus leaves have very little nutritional value for koalas and this is the key reason that koalas are always low in terms of body energy. Photo courtesy of  
Koalas' food comprises of Eucalyptus Leaves.
Koalas Food Specifically comprises of Eucalyptus leaves which cattle don't even dare to consume. This Picture belongs to 

The Eucalyptus leaves contain water, fiber, tannins, phenolics, starch, sugars, Lipid and proteins etc. The best part about the Eucalyptus leaves is that they are 55 percent water which is one of the highest concentrations of water content among various species of plants with leaves.

On the positive side, the Eucalyptus leaves are 55 percent water which 100 percent fulfill the water requirements of koalas.

This presence of 55 percent concentration of water compound within the Eucalyptus leaves 100 percent fulfill the thirst requirements of koalas and koalas don't even need to drink water from the water holes. Even the word koala also means “No Water” because the aboriginal Australian people used to believe that the animal never drinks water.

Eucalyptus leaves are 55 percent composed of water.
Eucalyptus leaves contain 55 percent water contents. This high source of water within Eucalyptus leaves allow koalas to fulfill all of their water requirements. Photo courtesy of  
Koalas food is poisonous
Koalas food is highly poisonous for other animals especially the cattle. However, Koalas are specialized in eating their food and gain energy requirements through their food which includes Eucalyptus leaves.

The Eucalyptus leaves also contain high concentrations of fiber for koalas. Fiber comprises of 15 percent of the total Eucalyptus leaf contents. It is believed that the fiber within the Eucalyptus leaves is 6 times more than a normal muesli bread. However; the Eucalyptus fiber for koalas contains much lesser amount of energy as compared to the muesli bread.

The Eucalyptus leaves have higher concentrates of fiber which quickly fill the koalas' stomach but offer little amount of food energy for them.

Another draw back of higher fiber contents within the Eucalyptus leaves is that they quickly fill the stomach of koalas. Therefore; koalas can't eat the Eucalyptus leaves in large quantities. Even worst; the digestion of this higher lignified fiber content is rather time consuming and difficult to digest.

Eucalyptus leaves have higher fiber contents.
Eucalyptus leaves have higher fiber contents which upon consuming quickly fills the stomach of the koalas. Therefore; koalas can't eat too much Eucalyptus leaves to increase their energy levels. Photo courtesy of  
Koalas food comprises of little energy levels.
Koalas food comprises of very little energy levels, that are not sufficient for an agile lifestyle of a Koala. Therefore, Koalas do not risk losing their energy levels for any unnecessary situations.

The third key component within Eucalyptus leaves for koalas includes carbohydrates. Carbohydrates constitute about 7% of the total leaf contents within Eucalyptus. Carbohydrates are considered as the first source of energy to the body. The Eucalyptus carbohydrates include starch and sugar. When koalas eat the Eucalyptus leaves, they absorb most of the starch and sugar contents within their stomach.

Eucalyptus leaves comprise of about 7% of carbohydrates in the form of starch and sugar. This quantity is very low to produce significant amount of energy for koalas.

However; this absorption process is relatively slow because the koalas' diet comprises of high concentrates of fiber which slow down the transfer of the sugar into their bloodstream. Lastly; 7% starch and sugar contents are extremely low and they produce very little amount of energy for koalas. Even worst; koalas can't intake more carbohydrates by eating more large quantities of Eucalyptus leaves because of high fiber contents.

Eucalyptus leaves contain only 7% of carbohydrates for koalas.
Koalas only extract only 7% of carbohydrates in the form of starch and sugar from the Eucalyptus leaves. This 7% quantity is very low in terms of produing the body energy for koalas. Photo courtesy of  
Koalas food Eucalyptushas lower calories.
Koalas food Eucalyptus leaves carry very little degrees of calories. They have to conserve these calories and have to avoid any unnecessary activities which may allow them to lose their energy levels within their bodies.

The Eucalyptus leaves also contain 13 percent of tannins and phenols. Tannins are known to decrease the food efficiency and net energy through metabolism. They also decrease the digestibility and food efficiency as well. On the other hand; phenols are not known either to produce any body energy but rather they are considered highly toxic for the cells.

The Eucalyptus leaves comprise of 13 percent of tannins and phenols which are not responsible for any nutritional value or body energy either.

Therefore; the presence of phenols and tannins (13 %) within the Eucalyptus leaves are not the encouraging signs of nutritional value for koalas either. Similarly; the presence of strong scented oils is quite also dominant within the Eucalyptus leaves and these oils are known to become cyanide compounds during the metabolic conversion.

Eucalyptus leaves contain high dosage of tannins and phenols.
Eucalyptus leaves contain about 13 percent tannins and phenols and they do not offer any nutritional value for koalas. Photo courtesy of 

Lastly; the Eucalyptus leaves contain 6 percent lipids (fatty acids) and 4 percent protein. Lipids and proteins are known to provide reasonable and necessary nutritional value to the body of an organism. Furthermore; lipids and proteins are responsible for tissue development within organisms. However; just the 6% concentration of lipids and 4% concentration of proteins are very low to provide energy and nutritional value to any animal including koalas.

Eucalyptus leaves contain just 6% fats and 4% proteins which are not enough to fulfill the energy and nutritional requirements of any animal. Somehow koalas live on them by adopting a sluggish and sleepy lifestyle.

However; koalas live on this meager nutritional value by lowering their body metabolism, adopting sluggish & sloth-like lifestyle and sleeping for more than 20 hours per day. This allows koalas to conserve their body energy and live on a diet that contains lower amount of energy and lower nutritional value.

Eucalyptus laves offer lower energy for koalas and koalas have adated a sleepy lifestyle.
The presence of lower energy and nutritinal value within the Eucalyptus leaves have forced koalas to adapt a sleep lifestyle which helps them to conserve their body energy. Photo courtesy of 
Liger Articles

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The Word Koala Means No Water

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It Took 10 years for Aboriginal Australians to Spot and Recognize Koalas

Koalas Live Hardest and Toughest Lives Among all animals

Koalas Tooth Decay through its Abrasive Diet

Koalas Diet is Fully Poisonous and Toxic

Koalas' Food Eucalyptus has Lower Nutrition

Koalas have Lower Energy Levels

Koalas and Eucalyptus Leaves

Koalas - When Occasionally Spotted on other Leaves for their Food

Koalas and Cyanide Compounds

Why Koalas drink little or no Water?

Koalas & their Advanced Digestive Mechanisms

Slow Metabolism of Koalas

Why Koalas Sleep more than 20 Hours a Day?

Koalas Lack Energy and Strength

Koala's Tooth from Growth till Tooth Decay

Young Koalas are Better Chewers as Compared to Mature and Elderly Koalas

Why Most Koalas Die of Starvation?

Koalas and Dehydration

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Strokes among Koalas

Koalas' Small Brain

Do Koalas lack Intellectual Abilities?

Koalas and their Sense of Smell

Koalas hate Dried Leaves

Koalas Love Fresh Eucalyptus Leaves as their Food

Koalas' Eucalyptus Leaves' Preferences during summers and Winters

Koalas' Preference for Leaves Having Higher Nitrogen Levels

Koalas Prefer Big Eucalyptus Trees and Love to Stay at Trees' tops.

Koalas Prefer to Live in Areas that have Good Soil and Fertile Lands

Koalas' Per Day Food Consumption

Koalas Food Consumption Depends upon their Body Size

Lactating Female Koalas Consume More Food as Compared to the Normal Female Koalas

Koalas Consume More Food during Winters as Compared to Summers

Female Koalas are very Selective Regarding their Leaf Selection and Food Consumption.

A Baby Koala is called Joey

A Baby Koala Joey Lives in her Mother's Pouch for 8 to 9 Months

Gestation Period within Female Koalas

Breeding Behaviors of the Female Koalas

The Size of the Baby Koala Joey at the time of its Birth

Weight of the Baby Koala Joey at the Time of its Birth

At Birth the Baby Koala Joey Travels from Cloaca into their Mother's Pouch

Newborn Koala Joeys have Well-Established Sense of Smell

Koala Joey keeps his Head Inside its Mother's Pouch for 6 Months

Complete Shape and Body Development of the Koala Joey

Koala Joeys' Mother Milk

Pap - The first solid food of the Koala Joeys

When Does Tooth Emerge for Baby Koala Joey?

Aggressive Behavior of Mother Koalas towards their Joeys

Koalas in Brisbane Australia

Queensland Offers Less Nutritional Values for Koalas

How long does Koalas live? Age of the Koala

Female Koalas Live More than Male Koalas

What is the Average Age of the Male Koala?

Average Ages of the Female Koalas

For How Long a Female Koala can Give Birth to the Koala Joeys?

How many times female Koalas give birth?

Predators of Koalas

Koalas and Australia's Bushfire

Koalas' Social Behavior

Koalas are Solitary Animals

Sleeping Postures of Koalas

Koalas' fur quickly gets rid of rain water

Koalas Resting and Sleeping Postures and Positions during the Hot Summer Seasons

Winter Season and Sleeping Postures of Koalas

Koalas' Urination during Summer and Winter Seasons

Koalas and their Specialized Claws

Koalas have Magical Fur

How does a Koala regulate its Body Temperature?

Food Consumption and Feeding Timings of the Koalas

Koalas Always Prefer Eucalyptus Leaves from the Tree top

How does a Koala Grooms itself?

Koalas are Non-Social Animals

Koalas' Territories and ranges within Australia's Victorian Areas

Koalas' Territories and Ranges within Australia's Queensland Areas

Behavior of the Alpha Dominant Male Koala

Aggressiveness of Female Koalas

Scent Marking Behavior of the Male Koalas

Mating Strategy of the Male Koalas

Fights and Territorial Encounters of Male Koalas

Sounds and Vocalizations of Male Koalas

Sounds and Vocalization of the Female Koalas

Koalas and their Facial Expressions

Breeding Ages of the Male and Female Koalas

Factors Influencing the Success of Koalas' Fertility Rates

Behavior of the young and adolescent Koala Joey

When Does a Mother Koala Says Goodbye and Leaves the Young Koala Joey?

Playful Behavior of the Young Koala Joeys

Koalas - Mating Season and Mating Months

Koala Informationen, Bilder, Neuigkeit, und Erforschung

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Коала - сумчатый млекопитающий

Orgin of Marsupials

Australia's Koala Regions

Types of Koalas

Brown Koalas

Gray Koalas

Discovery of Koalas

Koalas & Dog Attacks

Koalas' Habitat Loss

Koalas Eat 5 Time a Day