Koalas and their Facial Expressions
It is very interesting to evaluate facial expressions of the Koalas. Undoubtedly; Koalas do possess different kinds of unique facial expressions. In fact every koala can be categorized as totally unique in terms of its facial expressions while it is also common within koalas to show a similar facial expression as well. These facial expressions allow the koalas to look naturally stunning creatures. Usually the facial expressions of the Koalas are evaluated by analyzing their nose, mouth and ear movements. A combination of these three movements, always indicate several different facial expressions of the koalas. These expressions always indicate that whenever, the Koalas are angry, relaxed, happy or scared. Let’s study more about some of the facial expression of the Koalas.
In one of the koala's expression, a Koala pricks up its ears to move forward and slightly moves its lips as well. In such kind of a behavior a Koala is usually relaxed and does not have anything to worry or the Koala is angry. Therefore, whenever, a Koala is pricking its ear forward, it means it is totally in its normal state.
Sometimes the Koalas prick its ears upwards and also tighten up its mouth and lips in a forward position. This is an uneasy situation of the Koalas. Usually whenever, an intruder enters into a male or female, Koala’s territory, the defending koala usually makes such kinds of expressions. These kinds of expressions are very much common within the young male Koalas. Moreover, female Koalas just before the mating are also have been reported to show such kinds of expressions as well.
Finally whenever, the Koalas feel scared, they prick their ears backwards and mouth straight. They also create a loud scream as well. Female Koalas usually practice these kinds of expressions; however, these kinds of expressions are also common within the young koalas as well because they are the ones who fear the most from their surroundings, including the one from their own species as well.